Micro and Nano Flows
Conference Themes
Both for Thermofluids and Biomedicine:
Applications in cooling of high flux devices - single and two phase
Biomedical flows
Boiling and condensation in micro systems
Experimental approaches
Flow in Bioprocessing Equipment at Micro Levels
Heat exchangers and reactors
Heat transfer applications at micro and nano scales
Mathematical and computational approaches
Measuring, sensing and control
Micro and nano flow fundamentals
Micro and nano-engineered surfaces for single and two-phase heat transfer (including surfaces related pool boiling and condensation studies)
Micro and nano-engineered surfaces for single and two-phase heat transfer
Micro Flows in Medical Devices (including Lab-on-Chip Devices)
Microcirculation and biomedical flow structures
Mixing and design
Nanofluids and Applications
Pumps and other devices
Single phase heat transfer in micro systems
Abstract in other areas that relate to the general concepts covered by MNF are also welcome!