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The 8th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows (MNF 2023)

Dear Colleagues,


We are delighted to announce that MNF2023 will take place on 21st-23rd August 2023.



Professor  Liu Bin,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Chair of Local Organising Committee)

Professor  Liu Shengchun,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Vice Chair of Local Organising Committee)

Associate Professor Chen Aiqiang,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Local Organising Committee)

Doctor Zhao Songsong,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Local Organising Committee)

Doctor Zhu Zongsheng,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Local Organising Committee)

Doctor Yang Wenzhe,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Local Organising Committee)

Assistant Research Fellow  Shi Yaoguang,Tianjin University of Commerce, China, (Secretary to the Local Organising Committee)




Professor Chen Guanyi, Tianjin University of Commerce, China,  (Conference Chair)

Professor Khellil Sefiane, University of Edinburgh, UK, (Conference Chair)

Professor Koji Takahashi, Kyushu University, Japan, (Conference Chair)

Francesco Coletti (Scientific Secretary)

The International Micro and Nano Flows Conference series originated at Strathclyde University in 2006 and was followed by meetings at Brunel University London in 2009, the Aristotle University Thessaloniki in 2011, University College London in 2014, the Politechnico Di Milano in 2016 and the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2018. Since its inaugural run the conference is now well established internationally with its unique range


of topics in thermofluids engineering and biomedical and bioprocess engineering in the field of small scale flows. The Conference Committee has identified that the challenges faced by engineers and designers of devices at the micro to nano scale are to a large extent similar, whether these relate to heat transfer and thermal management of systems or biomedical applications. 
The conference is organised over three days starting with a plenary lecture covering the latest developments in micro-nano scale flows that relate and link applications in thermofluids and biomedical engineering. Keynote lectures then cover the Conference Series Key Themes of adiabatic flows and single phase heat transfer, two phase flow and heat transfer and flows that relate to biomedical engineering. Sessions that cover all the above plus the particular challenges and latest developments in the design of micro-scale devices complete the conference.

The 8th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows is hosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tianjin University of Commerce.


Tianjin University of Commerce, formerly known as Tianjin Business College, was founded in 1980 by the Ministry of Commerce and the Tianjin Municipal Government. In 1998, the school implemented a management system co-built by the central and local governments, with local management as the mainstay. In 2007 the school was renamed Tianjin University Of Commercial.


The history of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University of commerce can be traced back to 1958. After more than 60 years of development, the school now has the Engineering Research Center of the Cooling and Freezing Rechnology of Ministry of Education , the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Energy and Power ngineering, the The International Center in Fundamental and Engineering Thermophysics of Tianjin City (Tianjin International Science and technology cooperation base), and the Sino Foreign Joint Research Center of Biomass Energy Environment of Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin "One Belt, One Road" Joint Laboratory of Tianjin Ciyt, Tianjin Key Laboratry of Refrigeration Technology, Tianjin Refrigeration Technology Engineering Center.


The International Center in Fundamental and Engineering Thermophysics ( was established in 2017, since its inception, significant progress has been made in interface research, including droplet evaporation, boiling and energy utilization, and has successfully participated in the “thermal smart” project of the EU Horizon-2020.


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